Golden Mind


Cymbiotika’s Golden Mind stimulates peak mental performance and protects against age-related cognitive decline. This formula supports intestinal health and strengthens the gut-brain axis by enhancing communication between the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system. Golden Mind may help with the following:+ Boosts cognitive function+ Increases focus and alertness+ Calms central nervous system Read more

Golden Mind

Why we love this product

Enhance cognitive function, promote focus, and unlock your mind's full potential.
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Whether you're seeking to find balance, manage stress, or simply enhance your daily mood, our carefully curated solutions are crafted to bring positivity and harmony into your life.
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Whether you're seeking enhanced focus, cognitive function, or overall brain well-being, our products are crafted to empower you on your journey to optimal brain health.
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Mental Clarity
Mental Clarity

Enhance cognitive function, promote focus, and unlock your mind's full potential.

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Whether you're seeking to find balance, manage stress, or simply enhance your daily mood, our carefully curated solutions are crafted to bring positivity and harmony into your life.

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Brain Health
Brain Health

Whether you're seeking enhanced focus, cognitive function, or overall brain well-being, our products are crafted to empower you on your journey to optimal brain health.

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Contrast Therapy
Contrast Therapy

Support your healing with a Contrast Therapy session. Alternate between 70 degrees in our infrared sauna and 6 degrees in our ice bath to reduce inflammation, boost your energy and calm your mind.


Phosphatidylcholine, L-Theanine, Rhodiola Rosea Extract, Sea Buckthorn Oil, Gotu Kola Extract, Bacopa Monnieri Extract, Green Tea Extract, Lion’s Mane Mushroom Extract (Hericium Erinaceus fruiting body) 8:1

Other Ingredients: Organic Glycerin, Purified Water, Organic Vanilla Extract, Konjac Root, Citrus Pectin, Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopherol), Organic Citrus Extract, Citrus Bioflavonoids, Cinnamon Oil

30 x 5ml pouches
